how to make your partner value you

Feeling valued in a relationship is fundamental to its health and longevity. When both partners feel appreciated, it fosters a deeper connection, mutual respect, and a stronger bond. However, achieving this level of appreciation can sometimes be hard. In this article, I’ll share some personal insights and effective strategies on how to make your partner value you more. Each tip is designed to improve your relationship’s quality, ensuring both you and your partner feel genuinely cherished.

Understand Their Love Language


Before diving into specific strategies, it’s crucial to understand the concept of love languages. Dr. Gary Chapman’s theory suggests that everyone has a primary way they prefer to receive love: through words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch. By understanding and speaking your partner’s love language, you’re more likely to make them feel truly valued.

Identify Their Primary Love Language

Start by observing how your partner expresses love to you and others. Often, the way they prefer to receive love mirrors their expressions. Discuss love languages together and consider taking a quiz to identify your primary languages. This understanding is a foundational step in making your partner feel valued on a deeper level.

Tailor Your Acts of Appreciation

Once you know your partner’s love language, tailor your gestures of appreciation accordingly. For instance, if their primary love language is quality time, plan a special day together doing activities they love. This personalized approach ensures your efforts resonate deeply with your partner, making them feel truly appreciated.

Communicate Openly and Honestly


Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. It allows you to express your needs, desires, and concerns in a safe environment, fostering a culture of mutual respect and appreciation.

Encourage Vulnerability

Create a safe space for your partner to share their thoughts and feelings. Encourage them to be vulnerable, showing that you value their inner world and are there to support them. This level of emotional intimacy makes your partner feel deeply valued and understood.

Practice Active Listening

When your partner speaks, listen with the intent to understand, not to respond. Show genuine interest in what they’re saying and validate their feelings. This form of active listening demonstrates that you value their perspective and are invested in their well-being.

Show Appreciation for the Little Things

Respect and Appreciation

In long-term relationships, it’s easy to take the small, everyday actions for granted. However, acknowledging and appreciating these gestures can significantly impact how valued your partner feels.

Notice and Acknowledge

Pay attention to the little things your partner does, whether it’s making coffee in the morning or sending a thoughtful text during the day. Acknowledge these gestures with gratitude to show you don’t take their efforts for granted.

Express Gratitude Regularly

Make it a habit to express gratitude for your partner’s presence in your life. Small, consistent expressions of thanks can make a big difference in how valued and appreciated they feel.

Invest in Quality Time Together

Spending quality time together is vital for maintaining a strong connection and ensuring your partner feels valued. It’s about giving each other your undivided attention and creating memories that strengthen your bond.

Plan Regular Date Nights

Commit to regular date nights, whether it’s a simple movie night at home or trying out a new restaurant. These moments away from the routine of daily life can help both of you reconnect and remember why you value each other.

Engage in New Activities Together

Exploring new hobbies or interests together can bring a fresh sense of excitement to your relationship. It shows your partner that you’re invested in growing together, which can make them feel highly valued.

Practice Acts of Service

Doing something for your partner without them asking is a powerful way to show you value them. Acts of service can significantly impact your partner’s feelings of being appreciated, especially if it’s their primary love language.

Help With Daily Tasks

Offering to take care of tasks they might not enjoy or have time for can make your partner feel supported and cherished. It could be as simple as doing the dishes or running errands for them.

Surprise Them With Thoughtful Gestures

Surprise your partner with gestures that make their life easier or more enjoyable. Whether it’s preparing their favorite meal or organizing a relaxing spa day for them, these actions demonstrate your appreciation and care.

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Discover strategies to manage relationship anxiety by exploring Anxiety in Relationships.

Encourage and Support Their Dreams

How to Support Your Partner

Showing interest in and supporting your partner’s aspirations is a profound way to make them feel valued. It signifies that you respect their individuality and are their cheerleader in life’s journey.

Be Their Biggest Supporter

Encourage your partner to pursue their goals, whether related to their career, hobbies, or personal growth. Celebrate their successes and be there to support them through challenges.

Offer Constructive Feedback

When asked, provide constructive feedback that helps them grow. Ensure your feedback is given with kindness and support, reinforcing that you’re on their side.

Maintain Physical Intimacy

Physical touch, for those who value it as their love language, is a powerful conveyor of love and appreciation. It strengthens the emotional bond and creates a sense of closeness and security.

Regular Affectionate Touch

Simple gestures like holding hands, hugging, or a kiss goodbye can make your partner feel loved and valued. These small actions of affection reinforce your emotional bond.

Prioritize Intimacy

In the hustle of daily life, intimacy can sometimes take a backseat. Prioritizing intimate moments, both sexual and non-sexual, is crucial for maintaining a strong, valued connection.

As your relationship grows, it’s the little moments of understanding, compassion, and shared laughter that truly deepen the bond. Remember, making your partner feel valued is about the consistent effort and love you put into everyday interactions.

Explore ways to rebuild trust and intimacy after a breakup at Rebuilding Trust.

Celebrate Each Other’s Individuality

Celebrate Your Successes

Valuing your partner also means celebrating their uniqueness and supporting their independence. Recognizing and encouraging each other’s individuality fosters a healthy, balanced relationship.

Encourage Personal Time and Interests

Support your partner in pursuing their own interests and hobbies. Showing that you value their happiness and fulfillment outside of the relationship is essential.

Appreciate Their Unique Qualities

Express appreciation for the qualities that make your partner unique. Compliment their strengths and the traits that attracted you to them in the first place.

For further reading on maintaining a healthy balance of independence in relationships, consider our guide on Anxiety About Moving In With Partner.

Making your partner feel valued is about the thoughtful, everyday actions that show you appreciate and cherish them. From understanding their love language to celebrating their individuality, each strategy contributes to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship. Remember, the key to making your partner feel valued is consistency, effort, and genuine love.

By August Paul Caldwell

'Gustl', Relationshipedia's creative force, brings a unique perspective to relationship topics. August, with a literary background and a passion for expression, invites readers to embrace vulnerability through his poetic and profound articles.